Well corrlinks is a prison e mail computer system that is on a closed circuit. In the beginning, Corrlinks merely supplied an approved listing e mail facility. It has now expanded to many different areas that invole security along with control.
In spite of several beliefs, there is absolutely no way to acces the world wide web. Corrlinks being used in every federal prison, and is rapidly being incorperated into state systems.
How Does Corrlinks Work?
Simply, it functions like this: The are several dedicated computer terminals that are based in the prison Law Library, or an area that is similar to this. These dedicated computer systems are accessible to the inmates for the duration of their off or recreation times.
Inmates can open an account and transfer what ever monies they require into the Corrlink’s system (this is around 5 cents/min. for e-mails but this vairys from prison to prison) combined with the names, addresses, telephone numbers, etc., of all their suggested contacts. All of the nessesery information hase to be filled in because if you miss a box then you will not be able to move on to the next screen
Once the inmate transmits their first e-mail to a brand new contact, that individual can either accept or refuse the service. Should they accept, then two way communication can be obtained. For the most part when you send an e-mail it can take upto an hour or so for the e-mail to reach it's destination and this is the same in the opposit direction. The e-mail is just text only so you cannot send pictures or attachments.
Corrlinks isn't just a e-mail service you can also make telephone calls but In order to make phone calls, individuals names and numbers also needs to be submitted. In order to mail a normal letter, the prisoner must list all all of his or hers addressee details in the computer system. A computer generated Corrlink’s label is needed but these are free of charge.
Access by law enforcement, intelligence, along with other organizations will be assumed because both inmates as well as their contacts need to consent to monitoring in return for the e-mail services. Obviously, an inmate can opt out if they want to.
How do I start I signed up and verified my account what next ??